Saturday, June 11, 2011

How to get a girls number

You’ve been chatting to her for a bit and now you need to get her number for future arrangements, but how? Again, this is no rocket science and with a few good tips, anyone can succeed!
  • Have something lining up for her to do. Ask her to help you shop for your sister’s birthday on Sunday, not just ‘hang out sometime.
  • Bait her into the date. Let her chase you. Try dropping little hints e.g. I’m going X or I’d like to do Y and see if she wanna become part of those plans by saying something like, ‘That sounds wicked; I’d like to do something like that.
  • Don’t make the phone number exchange the last part of your conversation because that feels more like a pick-up. Stay 5-10 minutes afterwards.
  • Engage her mates. When she goes home, her mates should be real excited for her that the two of you are meeting up later. To a girl, her mates’ approval for the guys she dates is much more important than peer approval is for men.
  • Set up callback humour. If you have an ongoing joke during your conversation in which you have a nickname for her, and you later ring and call her by that same nickname, it triggers an instant reversal to the emotional state before.
  • Save your number into her mobile. An awful lot of people won’t answer the phone if they don’t know who’s calling. This way she will certainly know that it’s you. Try and have her save your name as ‘My baby’ or ‘Mr Right’ or whatever.
  • If she’s really interested in you, let her know exactly when you will ring. Make her promise to answer but don’t make it sound too serious.


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