Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Wait

Lips are dry, eye lids are shutting

Hazy vision, my dilated pupils

Palms are cold, cant feel the

warmness of blood, my pale hands

Flushed face, the dead skins are

peeling, shedding hair, my big forehead

Temperature of my body, swollen neck

guarded by a muffler, my burning skin

Capsules filled with white powder, the

magic potion to bring back life, my weak legs

Woollens trying to protect the frail, swollen

heart, in the wait for the care, my soggy eyes.

Friction of joints, the cracking sound of

bones, in the pain of parting, my quivering fingers

Dark ceiling, three blades of the motionless fan,

the room, the double bed, my empty heart

Shadowy vision, tears rolling down, soaking the

pillow, the thin blanket of sympathy, I shiver and wait...


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